1. 德維國際發展有限公司 ( 以下簡稱 “本公司” ) 之用戶在產品保用期內:即首12個月另加網上成功登記延長3個月,於正常使用情況下,如發覺機件失效,經本公司查驗屬實,將可獲免費修理,而所有換出的損壞零件均屬本公司所有。
2. 要求保用服務時必須出示經銷商收據/發票正本予本公司職員核實。
3. 免費保用期内之服務並不包括以下情况:
4. 客戶須於購買日期起計14日內,辦理網上或郵寄保用證登記手續。用戶若更改地址、聯絡電話時,請即通知本公司。
5. 離島,澳門及禁區客戶需上門服務時,需要較長時間安排及須支付相關附加費及其他有關費用。
6. 若產品因位置或周邊環境阻礙引致本公司職員未能於安全情況下進行檢查或維修服務時,客戶須提供安全而合適之設備,如長梯、工作台;或將產品移離及裝回相關位置,而有關一切費用及手續須由客戶負責。
8. 如就保用條款出現任何爭議,本公司保留一切條款及細則之最後解釋權及決定權。
備註 : 吊扇的馬達保用2年。 如馬達在2年期間損壞而需要更換時,馬達不用收費。但有關檢查、人工、其他零件、運輸等費用需另收費。
有 * 號的項目必須填寫。請填妥下列表格,完成登記,謝謝。
Warranty Terms & Conditions
1. Daiwa International Corporation Limited ( hereinafter called "the company" ) has an option to repair the products, which become out of order under normal use, free of charge within the products’ initial warranty period (12 months). The replaced defective parts shall belong to the company's property.
2. Customer has to present the guarantee certificate (back cover in Installation Manual) and original purchase invoice to our staff during each service. In the event of failure to present either of aforesaid mentioned, the company has the right to decline any warranty claim.
3. This warranty does NOT cover :
• Product is being repaired, tempered with, altered or modified in any way by unauthorized personnel other than by the company.
• Remote control, glass shades, fan blades, light bulb / tube, such components cost has to be bear under user own cost.
• The damage is directly or indirectly caused by attack of household pests, wrong input voltage, flood, fire, theft, lighting, any convulsion of nature or failure to follow operational instructions.
• Dirt, dust, greasy removal and external cleaning work for all products.
• Non-domestic use.
• Serial number on the product has been removed, tempered with, altered, or effaced.
4. Guarantee certificate and/or on-line registration must be submitted within 14 days of original date of purchase. If there is any change of address or telephone no., customer should inform to the company at once.
5. The service in outlying islands, Macau and restricted areas and requires longer time to arrange and extra fee will be charged if / where necessary.
6. If the location or surrounding is impeded and caused the company cannot conduct inspection or repair service under the safety condition, customer should provide a safe and appropriated facility, such as ladder, working platform or scaffolding; or dismantle and restore the product to the place by customer. Any cost and related application is responsible by customer.
7.This warranty registration is valid in HONG KONG and MACAU region only. Any other guarantee certificate (back cover in Installation Manual) than the one issued by the company that it will not be recognized by the company.
8. In case of any dispute, the company reserves all rights for final interpretation, judgment and decision.
Remark : Ceiling fan motor's warranty for 24 months. If the fan motor is damaged or requested service during the 13th to 24th month and replacement is necessary,
only free on the fan motor but the costs of inspection, labor, other parts and transportation will be charged and be paid by customer.